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Sliced Loaf Bread Sausage Rolls

Bread Sausage Rolls

In our bid to tackle bread waste, here’s our hack to help you make sausage rolls out of bread in less than half an hour.

30 minutesServes 6
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Sausage rolls made out of bread? Yes, you heard that right and we think it’s the solution to so many everyday problems.

Need a quick snack for the kids (big and small) – tick! Need to find a way to use up leftover bread to save it from the bin – tick! Want something delicious in a hurry that will take less than 30 minutes to make – tick! Using any leftover slices of Baker Street White Sliced Loaf you have to hand, whip up these Bread Sausage Rolls in minutes and be the snack saviour your family needs.

We’ve got more ways to help you and your family tackle food waste at home – take a look at our dedicated Food Waste page for tips and tricks to use up any leftover Baker Street products.

There are also some great resources online you can take a look at including the Love Food Hate Waste website for more ideas.


  • Six slices Baker Street White Sliced Loaf
  • Pack of six sausages
  • 1 tbsp butter, melted
  • 1 egg
  • Black pepper


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 200°C, 180°C Fan or Gas Mark 6. While the oven heats up, mix the melted butter, egg and black pepper in a large bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, crumble the sausage meat out of the casings then wash your hands
  3. Take your slices of Baker Street White Sliced Loaf and on a wooden or chopping board, flatten each one out with a rolling pin until they are thin
  4. Take your crumbled sausage meat and place it on top of your rolled-out bread slice in a rough line on one side, leaving a little gap around the edges. Roll each slice over the top of the sausage meat, covering it completely until you get to the end. Firmly press the long edge so it’s secure.
  5. Slice the bread sausage rolls carefully into smaller pieces, place on a baking tray and brush with your butter and egg mixture
  6. Cook in the oven for between 15-20 minutes, until the sausage meat has cooked through and the sausage rolls are a golden brown in colour.