Struggling for ideas of what to do this summer Bread Heads? Well, we’ve got you covered! Here at Baker Street we have come up with a whole host of fun summer activities to keep the whole family entertained. From picnics to cars made of hotdogs, there’s plenty to do with the kids this summer.
Baker Street’s Fun Summer Activities
Formula Bun Championships
Using our Baker Street Classic Hot Dog Rolls you can create your very own breadmobiles. For ours we used cherry tomato wheels, cucumber slice tyres and a sausage engine, but why not see if you and the family can create one of your own!
Flag Toast Toppers

It’s the summer of sport! Rustle up some Flag Toast Toppers and see what nations flags you can create. With our Baker Street Sliced Loaves and lots of colourful ingredients, the world is yours! A central dollop or ketchup? That’s Japan. A spread of jam down one side. That’s Poland. And when you turn that upside down? Indonesia!
Rye not give it a go and see what flags you can come up with.
Family Road Trip
Need a fun summer activity that gets you out the house? Go on a family road trip! But don’t forget to pack a lunch and plan ahead with some corkin’ sarnies wherever you go. Try using our Baker Street Original Burger Buns to make some yummy sandwiches to take with you on your day out.
Baker Street World Record

Our prestigious Baker Street World Records are the very best in bread achievement, so we’re asking you to break one!
Usain Bolt might be able to run 100m in 9.58 seconds, but could he knock up a turkey sarnie in 12.2 seconds? Well Bread Heads, give it a go and see if you can become a Baker Street Record Breaker!
Sweet BBQ Kebabs

Our Sweet Kebabs are a fun snack that the kids can make themselves. Using our Baker Street Classic Hot Dog Rolls (that’s right, they aren’t just for sausages), you can fill them with strawberries, grilled bananas and toasted marshmallows and smother it all in chocolate. Now that’s one yummy snack.
Hot Dog Rocket
Dough infinity and beyond! Create a Baker Street Rocket to win the space race, and smash through the dough-zone layer. With a Baker Street Classic Hot Dog Roll engine, toasted Sliced White Loaf dynamics and whatever decorations you like your rockets are bound to be bunbelieveable!
Teddy Bear’s Picnic

No knead to head down to the woods today, as you can bring the teddy bears picnic to your garden! Teddies make excellent picnic guests and they love Baker Street Original Burger Buns to make their sandwiches. Enjoy an afternoon teddy tea party as a fun summer activity for you children.
If you try out any of these fun summer activities be sure to snap a picture and tag is @lovebakerstreet on Instagram and Facebook. We can’t wait to see what fun things you get up to using our Baker Street products this summer.